I didn't realize you could get a digital camera for $15 now... Once I became aware of this fact, I had to have one! Darrin got rid of his camera phone and this will serve the same purpose. I know a lot of people would likely scoff at these pictures but I guess I am pretty impressed, given the price. It takes videos too (without sound) but we haven't gotten any good ones yet.

First trial shot taken by Darrell as I'm driving away from buying the camera at KMart.

Our house. Yes I know everyone is always making fun of it for having a tiny yard, but I ask you, why would I want a big yard? Why would I want to do all that mowing? That is Darrin's new car in front.

Philip hanging out in the white-trash back yard I made for him (I put up the chicken wire around the bottom of the deck myself.) I guess eventually we may get arrested for having long grass in there. I'm wondering if eventually we can fill it up with gravel or put some wildflowers around the edge or something.

Yeah. Clearly I'm not mature enough for home-ownership.
Anyway, I'm happy with my new toy and pleased that it didn't cost much.

Five Replies to New Camera

Lori Lancaster | July 2, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | July 3, 2007
And on the heels of the TC discussion about digital being the death of film. If digital in general isn't, $15 digital is. :-)   Enjoy it.

Amy Austin | July 3, 2007
True that...

and that yard really must be tiny -- so much so that I can't even see it!

Denise Sawicki | July 3, 2007
Yes the front yard is mostly filled up by the driveway. The back is bigger though... The part I fenced in is just under the deck so Phil can do his business without our supervision :P

Amy Austin | July 5, 2007
Actually, Denise, I was teasing about the yard because the picture itself wasn't showing up -- but it does now. It's just a typical suburban plot.

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