Today the the University of Rhode Island had it's first Bronze was pretty cool to watch. next year one of those guys will likely be me

Five Replies to hot metal

Kelly Lee | April 30, 2010
Man, that makes me want to take a metalsmithing class.

Erik Bates | April 30, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Tony Peters | April 30, 2010
the flasks (stair stepped cylinder looking things) are molds being filled with liquid bronze that was melted in what amounts to a portable blast furnace....the metal and the gas to melt it probably cost more than the entire setup to do this. Think of it as an art school foundry version of Micro brewing beer. Bronze is the middle difficulty common metal pour. Aluminum being the coolest and easiest at roughly 1400 degrees Bronze at 2000 and Iron at roughly 3000 degrees. I have a friend who has done pours like this at his house/studio. to do this in a real foundry would probably cost 10 times the cost and non of us would be allowed to participate. THis really interested me because other than some wood carving I have been a two dimensional artist for most of my life

Jackie Mason | May 1, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Tony Peters | May 1, 2010
they (the real sculpture classes not us baby intro to 3D folks) made small wax sculptures. the coolest IMO were 3 Japanese Iris that one of the guys made took from flower to mold to wax and finally bronze, very cool I can't wait to see the final product....


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »


OK so since the summer my creative obsession has been growing. It started in my drawing 2 class with a professor who would turn out to be the man who has completely changed how I both look at and create art, Ben Anderson is an interesting man The first serious piece of the semester was Morf, a Gargoyle I created using mostly found metal from a local bike shop (I have taken to visiting on a weekly basis to acquire additional materials....Morf was the first time I have had a piece of art that I am woking to create completely dominate my thoughts. Go »

Life without a Cell Phone

OK now I have never thought I was overly attached to my Cell Phone but since I left mine in the middle of the Indian Ocean I've had to live without it for the last week. I am definatly in withdrawals...everyone in my family is on my cell, hell I don't even know most of the numbers that are progamed/saved on my cell. Go »

got a new drug

2 weeks ago I sold my BMX cruiser with the intention of shedding a toy to buy a bike better suited to commuting to work, at one time I rode a racebike and i really wanted to start riding one again except with the simplicity that I enjoyed on my I bought a fixxed gear, no not going through a mid life crisis I have ridden a fixxed gear before and I know what's involved, it arrived last friday and after a scramble to assemble it (and switch the brakes to motostyle) I rode it to work, I have ridden to work every day for the last week (because it only rains on my day off) and my legs are just starting to adjust I have aches in places I haven't felt in years but I feel better and judging by the way my pants feel I'm sure I'm starting to look healthier too. No riding a fixie is not for everybody, I have people who give me terrified looks when they realize what I'm riding but it works for me and thats what is important, besides when the weather is nice I can leave after work and ride down to the beach and back on a 20 mile loop and still get home in time to make dinner for my wife and I. Go »

more liquid metal

My sculpture Professor decided that the burner we use for melting metal wasn't working out well, since it was designed for a forge and not a furnace he had a furnace burner used to take hours to melt 20lb of bronze, it took us 40 minutes yesterday. I have never seen the crucible as hot as it was. Go » life got a bit easier

I have a music fetish....I collect it and organize it and listen to it all day long....I am likely addicted to my shuffle, the New Itunes 8 just made my life so easy....Genius Go »

sure ain't kansas

well I've had my MAC for almost a month now and I'm pretty much converted I received my Education edition of Photoshop last week and it didn't take me a day to realized that CS3 is drastically different that CS2...Time to start learning again (not that that is a bad thing)...Thankfully it comes with video workshop I'm about half way through it, funny thing It's kindled an enjoyment to learn again...I Go »