
What the hell do they think these kids will do from reading this book? Cause they read it, I suppose that they will now live in caves and rape dead bodies. Really.

I read "Romeo and Juliet" when I was that age, no one that I knew of fell in love with an enemy and then committed a complicated plot were everyone, including random passers-by died or killed themselves. I also read "The Stand" by Stephen King. I didn't create a supervirus and kill everyone...sigh.

You know, rereading "Fahrenheit 451" and the fact that I just heard about comcast allowing the government to itap anything we do online, no questions asked. And the fact that no one seems to care about it. Scares the shit out me.

I refuse to reread "1984." Really.


Four Replies to What is this world coming to?

Scott Hardie | October 25, 2007
It happened in a small town in west Texas. I'm surprised that most people there are calling for his reinstatement instead of his head. :-\

Jackie Mason | October 25, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Lori Lancaster | October 25, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | October 26, 2007
I read Superman comics, and yet I've still never flown around, or jumped off any buildings thinking I could. Maybe the comic is just not as powerful as the novel though. ;)

Hmmm...that gave me a thought...

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