Apparently, a tornado hit Maysville, NC Sunday, missing "my" house (or Ed's, with a lot of my things still in it) by about a mile. Used to browse that store for good junk!

Four Replies to Still in Kansas, Thankfully (or North Carolina, anyway!)

Steve West | May 13, 2008
My Granny's house is about 30 miles west of that (just below Wallace). No way any structure in her little town could have withstood that. Glad you weren't there.

Jackie Mason | May 14, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | May 14, 2008
Hah... thanks, y'all -- though *part* of me actually wishes for an insurance settlement... and a hit carried out by Mother Nature... (not really... but sort of... you know...)

Tony Peters | May 15, 2008
yeah that probably would have made life a lot easier

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

Brokeness... That's *My* Livelihood

So, yeah... this is the longest period of involuntary unemployment I've experienced in at least 20 years, I believe. But to add insult to injury... Go »

Hard Up For A Laugh...

Lest anyone think I am only doom and gloom (yes, I have been accused in the past... both outright and subtly), I just wanted to share an example of an average e-mail catching up with my "bestie" (*giving up on resisting the trendy vocab, despite sounding thirteen when using it*). Yes... Go »

"Bambi & Thumper Need A New Home" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

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I don't remember if I made any mention here (aside from any private messages) about my grandmother's death at the end of April. It was rather sudden/unexpected, given her condition at the time... and, considering all other grief in my life at present, I took it a lot better than I ever thought I would -- I was closer to her than any other member of my family (probably true in both senses, actually). Go »

I Feel Like My Head Is Going To Explode...

With all the stuff that's swimming around in it. Go »

More Sleep Torture... Should Be Unconstitutional

So it appears that along with everything else that resembles last winter too strongly for my liking... my sleep patterns have once again deteriorated very badly. I already don't get good quality sleep due to stress and having upstairs neighbors (a situation, believe it or not, that I do not recall ever suffering through before now) -- but now, with emotionally induced insomnia and falling temperatures, I try really hard to fight falling asleep at inappropriate times (e.g., Go »