Does it make sense for me to keep my phone? Work has provided me with a cell phone. I broke my home phone last weekend, and I could buy another one at Target for ten bucks, but I wonder if I should finally kick the $45 monthly bill and stick to either the cell phone or something like Skype (for which I'd have to buy a mic). Kelly doesn't use the home phone. I don't mind confusion over the change in phone numbers, since I'm going to move in November and change it anyway. But even though I don't have many long calls, when I do have one, it's nice to hold a real phone to my head at length instead of that flimsy cell. Plus the cell doesn't work in front of the computer. Plus I forget to turn the ringer on when I'm at home, so there go emergency calls. I dunno, I guess I'm years behind most people in ditching a land line for a cell (even if the cell isn't mine), but maybe it's time now. Advice is appreciated.

Three Replies to Rambling Phone Post

Lori Lancaster | May 1, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Jackie Mason | May 2, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Erik Bates | May 9, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Logical Operator

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