Well I figured I should mention my health thingy is OK and I don't have to get any more tests for another year... :P The weeks are going by really fast, it's quite alarming.

and alcohol is fun. We had an $8 bottle of port. It was incredible. You want to drink it just for the taste and not only because it can get you drunk. :P Next Darrell had me get some Knob Creek whiskey which is considerably more expensive but it was on sale so he couldn't pass it up. Well that is 50% alcohol and I made the mistake of trying a *cautious* sip which was just nauseatingly strong, but if you knock back a big gulp you don't notice the alcohol until later and it kind of tastes like root beer. Hey my defense is I never drank in college so I am catching up now. Why do I feel defensive, I dunno. I'll only drink when I'm already happy, it's no fun drinking when you're depressed...

One Reply to Nothing much

Jackie Mason | March 6, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »


We got some pretty scary masks at KMart. Darrin went as a "Crypt Creature" and Darrell went as a werewolf. That is actually me in the skeleton mask but you'd never guess from this picture. Go »


So I am rather pleased to have bought what seems to be a US Air Force greatcoat for $12.50 at a thrift store... Darrell wants to be Jack Harkness for the convention or for Halloween and I can't say I blame him. Go »

Nostalgia from TV shows

We're watching some high school shows lately, notably Freaks and Geeks, which I love, also My So-Called Life which I hesitate to admit I find hard to get into... Anyway Freaks and Geeks sure makes me jealous of the friendships those characters had in high school. Nobody would ever make a show about my high school experience. Go »

Jesus songs

I wonder what it is with me liking all these songs that mention Jesus. I'm a total atheist :P Actually I think it might be easier for me to like these songs that it would be for anyone who's religious and might have a troubled background with religion. I guess the name has less significance for me. Go »

Sorry about that extra tall image

Sorry I screwed up the obsessions page with that tall image. But it is true, I have a new obsession. Gee... Go »

D&D update

The guys made it to 4th level and then we added 2 new characters. We had a dragonborn warlord and an elf ranger, at 4th level we added an eladrin wizard and a dwarf fighter. Darrell is playing the fighter and warlord, Darrin has the ranger (though he's not exactly into the game so we're lucky if we're able to call him to the table to actually make his dice rolls) and I got the wizard even though I'm DM :-P. Go »