I hope this doesn't set a precedent for doing this on everybody's 30th birthday, or I'm going to be busy writing these for the next few years...

Top Ten Reasons Denise Sawicki is Awesome

10) She wore red on her wedding day, and she looked good.

9) She doesn't just send the DVD as a surprise birthday gift. She sends the book they based the movie on.

8) She dressed as a lumberjack last Halloween, beard and all. (link)

7) False modesty? Not a problem.

6) She did volunteer work at a suicide prevention hotline. Some people might be alive today because of her.

5) Time and again, she has proven trustworthy for her wisdom and discretion when sought for confidential advice. (I do not mean how to get my Sims to stop peeing themselves.)

4) She discovered a new atomic particle. ...Well, almost.

3) Some people are content just to make a fan page for their favorite musician. She married him.

2) Four words: Lazy line painter Jane.

1) She has more friends who love her than she knows.

Two Replies to March 14, 1977

Denise Sawicki | March 15, 2007
Aww thanks Scott... I already mentioned in e-mail how #6 is highly unlikely. But thanks, you are sweet.

Jackie Mason | March 16, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Logical Operator

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