We weren't planning to get another cat until maybe late spring, but a friend had to move in a hurry and find homes for her cats, so we agreed to adopt one. Her name is Katie, and she needs lots of reassurance about her new home.

So far, she's mostly doing well, playing with toys and demanding lots of cuddling. But she has a lot of anxiety, so she can't do some simple things like enter the scary kitchen, and we have had to make a few adjustments for her. I think she'll turn out fine.

Evie, thank you for sharing this wonderful cat with us. We'll make sure she has a great home.

Two Replies to Katie

Evie Totty | December 9, 2021
Thank you so much for saving her

Scott Hardie | December 10, 2021
She has been a delight. And some days she's even the braver cat of the two.

Logical Operator

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