I wasn't halfway through my first cup of coffee this morning when my boss walked in and said "do you want to go to Crete for a week?" Duh!!! like i would turn down a trip to greece...the only bummer is that I'll miss spending my birthday with my wife which compounds the fact that I missed spending her birthday with her as well, I also missed my bother's aniversary and my grandmothers Birthday but we had planned to celebrate them all at the end of the month anyway...so it's not as big a deal still a bummer though...humm greece after the tourist season should be very nice...and for Amy...yes I know I have a great job sometimes


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

awaiting surgery

I went into work yesterday...getting through the security turnstile that has replace the front doors of my building was more effort than I was expecting. The Elevator was not restful and when I finally did get to my office someone stole my heater (my office is so cold in the spring/summer/fall that an electric heater is required or icicles form from your breath (this isn't a joke). Go »

Life without a Cell Phone

OK now I have never thought I was overly attached to my Cell Phone but since I left mine in the middle of the Indian Ocean I've had to live without it for the last week. I am definatly in withdrawals...everyone in my family is on my cell, hell I don't even know most of the numbers that are progamed/saved on my cell. Go »

Driving in europe.

OK one of the more enjoyable part of my job is the fact that I get to drive overseas. Part of this is due to the fact that I have had an international diving permit for 7 years now and another part is that I am actually used to driving on the wrong side of the road. (3 years in Japan). Go »


OK so since the summer my creative obsession has been growing. It started in my drawing 2 class with a professor who would turn out to be the man who has completely changed how I both look at and create art, Ben Anderson is an interesting man The first serious piece of the semester was Morf, a Gargoyle I created using mostly found metal from a local bike shop (I have taken to visiting on a weekly basis to acquire additional materials....Morf was the first time I have had a piece of art that I am woking to create completely dominate my thoughts. Go »


The latest addition to my family...his name is Grommet...my GSP loves him in a strange interspecies way, however my other two cats seem offended/insulted about his existence. Go »

happy home maker

Ok before my furnace blew up I had been investing in food items for longterm storage and use. I got a deal on 1pound of vanila beans around new years as well as 2 gallons of peeled garlic last week. Anyway with water turned off in my house all day yesterday (furnace being replaced) I decided that it was a good time to do something about all the garlic and while I was at it make some xmas presents for next year (added bonus time spent in front of the stove means warmth). Go »