I overheard someone of my generation (born in the early 60's) recently say, "Kids today don't even know how to write in cursive," in a negative way. That statement got grumbled agreement from the codgers nearby. I was thinking without saying out loud, "Grandma, you can't even turn on your laptop without getting six viruses and wiring half your retirement money to a Nigerian Prince." How can two people in the same generation have such polarizing views? Why am I surprised and disappointed when this happens across myriad issues? A little tolerance, please.

Four Replies to Baby Boomer Blues

Scott Hardie | April 23, 2021
I read an article that explained that despite their reputation for not understanding technology, seniors can learn it just fine; the reason why they don't is that they don't see any value in it for them. What use do they have for TikTok or Snapchat or Roblox?

To which I say: What use do kids today have for cursive?

Erik Bates | April 23, 2021
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | April 23, 2021
And to that I say, "Me transmitte sursum, caledoni (Beam me up, Scotty). Si hoc signum legere potes, operis boni in rebus Latinus alacribus et fructuosis potiri potes! (If you can read this sign, you can get a good job in the fast paced, high paying world of Latin!)"

And its close relative, Dante's Inferno in middle Italian, "Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate. (Abandon all hope ye who enter here.)"

Scott Hardie | April 27, 2021
I agree with your excellent points. But of course, the "Constitution" talk is really just a political signal. The kind of person who frets about "kids today" is also likely to hold that particular document in a certain esteem, and a politician can score twice the affinity by linking them.

Those old codgers that Steve described are really going to flip their shit when they realize that this is the last generation of kids that learns to write longhand at all.

Web Junkie

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