So, the results are in, and I'm still walking the streets, so that's good...maybe. I really should have seen this coming, but I did exceptional on the test...sort of.

Dr. Coo-Coo tried not to state it this way, but he let enough slip that I figured out that I popped the scale in the liar-liar-pants-on-fire scale. What this means is that I answered the questions in such a way that either I am a) a singularly crazy person who should be taking this kind of test from inside a looney bin, or b) lying my ass off to make myself look more crazy than I am for some reason (which doesn't, itself, rule out looney, of course). There is also c) this test was not the best one for me, because I had some kind of problem answering the questions (I might have read more into the questions than should be there, I might have misunderstood the questions, I might have misinterpreted the questions, etc.) Dr. Coo-coo is going for c), while I am, of course, worried about a), and offended that he might think it's b).

Of course, we only discussed a few questions for which he thought my answers were odd (one of which, admittedly, I actually put the wrong answer down, once I thought about it...there was a double negative in the question...oh, you don't care!), and he never actually _said_ any of a) or b) (that's what I got out of the internet and what not). He did say that the computer indicated an unusual level of what could be considered exaggeration. It's tough to say, really. From my researches, I had to have answered some questions in such a way that a great majority of people (both sane and insane, to use two words which are probably meaningless in this context) would not have answered them. I would have had to have sounded crazier than most crazy people! What does that take? :)

And we never did get to the questions I was most concerned about. Maybe it's not such a big deal after all, since I would assume that if those sort of issues were a big deal, he would have brought those up immediately. Yay me probably not crazy!

The song of the day will be the one referred to in the title: "Liar" by Henry Rollins. :)


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

25-VI-2019 or The Spotted Menace!

... Ok, you got me. Lately, my life has been pretty busy, and I'll tell you all why. Go »

13-XII-2006, or MMPI has nothing to do with Tom Selleck

WELL. What a fun couple of days! >:( (This emoticon denotes annoyance, disturbing thoughts, anxiety, and the utter lack of noses...and Go »

17-IV-2008 or Only To Me Can This Happen...

I have the worst funny story to tell, but I'm going to put in some filler first, so that you can't read the beginning from the main page, so if you want to read just that part, skip down a bit. I'll put in some funky asterisks (asteriski?) when the story starts. Go »

21-XI-2009 or *sigh*

Suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck. Go »

16-VII-2007 or Here I Go Again

It's Whitesnake-a-licious!!! What's new in the months since I last blogged? Well, quite a bit, but relatively little of it will be of interest. Go »

Random Thought

I'm considering trading in a bunch of R3 cards in RB to get a card I really want (plus an Achievement), so anyone who reads this and is interested in one of my R3's let me know. I'm willing to consider a trade over 10 cards to get one I want. Although the Achievement intrigues me... Go »